Friday, April 4, 2008

An April Update...

Not the best picture of Josh....he really didn't want me to take it...surprised??

"Don't take my picture while I enjoy my breakfast!"

Hosea and Baby Evie (my friend's precious daughter)

Twister, anyone???

Time to go to the dentist.....

Wrestling time with Scooter :)

Brothers & Friends

Josh's team had the privilege to get to play a game at the Roughrider stadium. He's number 10....

They are the farm team for the Rangers. They lost that night, but they had lots of fun! Several GFA families came out to watch....they were faithful to sit in the freezing cold weather!

Timothy enjoying his wheelbarrow moment

He was so quiet out in the backyard, so I checked on him as was surprised to find him in there as quiet as can be....guess we all have our own special places!

As most of you know, I have been having problems with my neck (herniated disc), and it has kept me from being able to sit at the computer for prolonged periods of time. Thus, that is my excuse as to why I haven't blogged since February! I am now going to Physical Therapy 3 times a week, and with the combination of that and everyone's prayers, I am able to do a bit more that I could before :) I am hoping also to keep the Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles out there happy with some updated pics of at least some of the boys!

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